All things All-Ages
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All things All-ages!


20th of October
Venue: Headquarters
Times: 12pm onwards probably till
Tickets: door sales
Support: Tantrum, change of face, times up,page 11 (the almighty jethro, falling short and short of the mark

28 Days tour
November 3rd
Venue: Headquarters
Support: gyroscope and grand central
Ticket: pretty sure

November 23rd Saturday
Leederville HQ Night Show
Valley of the Blind, Billings Method, PC Thug, Negative Reply, Forthright

November 24th Sunday
Venue: Leederville HQ
Support: Last Years Hero, Change of Face & more

Antiskeptic tour
November 30th Saturday
Venue: Amplifier Bar
Time: arvo show
Support: Change of Face & more

Day of Contempt tour
December 15th Sunday
Venue: Leederville HQ

More coming........