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Reviews of CD's, gigs, launch's, basically anything giving info on a local band then send it to us and we'll put it up or you'll have to put up with our reviews.
The review area will change every two weeks in the beginning and hopefully incorporate a range of music in the local scene. If you have things to send then go to the contact page and email away. We will try and get it up on the site but as we are the 'editors' (well people who made the site) we do have the right not to put it up for our own justifiable reasons.

Gyroscope CD/EP - Take Time
The Perth 4-piece band, Gyroscope, started out almost 5 years ago. After having a break, gyroscope re-entered the local scene with full force. Perths music scene was flooded with the gyroscopes new distinctive sound and they released their CD/EP around May 2002.
Gyroscope have developed their own style rather than being categorised and percieved as just another punk prototype. Gyroscopes CD/EP 'Take Time' has been positively recieved to a long awaiting crowd and their talent is being noticed nationwide. I have been lucky enough to witness this band live on numerous occasions and one could only wonder whether this band could get any better.


The Fergusons CD/EP - Never Too Young to Hitch Hike
The review of The Fergusons all-ages show with Motor Ace will be up soon enough